Wednesday, 25 April 2007

back from emo-city

Finally back from Vienna, the city of emo :D .. or lets say multi-cultural city of human creatures with different styles ;) haha. Ok, coming back from ironic .. the trip was pure fun. Met up with Johannes, Sebastian & Sarah (see my blog-roll) and of course with our host for the two days, Werner (

I did a lot of shots that two days in Vienna, .. shot two rolls of film with the Olympus OM-1 (attached the 50/1.8) .. one FP4 I got the days before from Markus ( and another APX100 I got from Werner on sunday before walking to the city center (as I was sure, I will need to change on that walk .. and so it was .. full FP4, .. had to change to APX at the Stephansplatz, right when seeing some nice photo subjects, .. damn)

So we started our trip on Sunday morning, arriving Vienna at 11 A.M. .. getting our things to Werner's flat as he came to the station and picked us up .. took tram to flat, left the bags there and headed to city center to meet up with our friends. So in mid-afternoon with came together on Mariahilfer Street and walked around .. got to Stephansplatz, Burggarten, Volksgarten and many more streets .. took many photos on that trip and had fun talking and watching crazy people .. many emos of course :D haha. Later on we had to say good bye and they left us, .. we went home and in the evening did some chilling in an irish pub .. the Molly Darcy's .. really nice pub .. have to visit it again next time I'm in Vienna! Monday was shopping day, after a short sleep of some 3 to 4 hours .. we went to the shopping streets of the city center .. Mariahilfer again, Westbahn Street .. had to buy some film (tri-x, apx, .. also looking for delta and plus-x but didn't get those two), paper and chemicals for the lab and myself got a little bag for cam + max. 2 lenses (needed something like this for short trips, to leave the big ones at home) and also looked for shirts, but I just bought a tie with poker cards instead of a shirt. So in the end, we had a good day on monday, .. really hot and sunny again .. got most of the things we wanted and in the end left Vienna at 5 P.M. .. arriving home at 9 P.M. .. happy but tired :D .. the trip was good, hope to do make something like this soon again .. but I'll wait for the cheap summer tickets of austrian railways .. 48 (24 in one direction) euros is way too much money for it, .. summer will bring more action for less money.

So here are the photos .. for the moment just the digital ones, .. haven't developed the two rolls so far, one isn't finished yet (just need two or three pics to shoot tomorrow) and then will do so on Monday or Tuesday. Some digital ones, .. nonetheless hope you like them.

carrie, samantha, charlotte & miranda :D

interesting discussion

goin' by tube is fun

you might look relaxed

talking 'bout trash

style puppies again (reminds me of my previous entry)

.. let me explain

they looked so *happy*

girls wanted some balloons .. for sure no emos

oh baby, if you would know .. you would understand me

we love to entertain you

sitting & reading

jam session or the beginning of woodstock 2007

friendly street crossing


Alexander Talkanitsa said...

kommt es nur mir so vor oder ist die qualität wirklich ein wenig mies?

Corvi said...

Du schießt ziehmlich viel aus der hüfte , was ? *g*

twoouts4me said...

@hairchick: also die bilder sind "nur" mit qualität 8 abgespeichert, wollt sie nit zu groß machen .. und ansonsten, hm .. schärfenmäßig kann ich glaub ich nix dran aussetzen, .. meinst du was anderes?

@sebi: hast ja mitbekommen haha .. viele hip-shots, einiges im vorbeigehen so seitlich vom körper weg .. digital schiess ich bei street fast nur so, höchstens ich hab genug zeit und die situation erlaubt anderes, aber das fällt mit der digi ja auf .. daher street auch besser mit der OM-1 und film .. logo ;)

das erklärt evtl. auch die manchmal bisl komische perspektive, .. wenn das mit qualität gemeint war oberhalb

Alexander Talkanitsa said...

ja es ist glaub ich wegen der qualität 8 :) scharf sinds ja ;)

twoouts4me said...

normal speicher ich auch mit quali 10 ab .. auf dA zB alles in quali 10 glaub ich, aber irgendwie hab ich diesmal nicht geguckt und einige in 8 erwischt, .. evtl. änder ichs noch .. mal sehen.